Semi Independent Living

Nature of Service 

A Semi-Independent Living that offers 24 hour supervision for Young Adults; to manage risks, activities with careful consideration any potential occurrences before they happen. 

The service is connected to an Emergency out of hours contact Team, Senior Directors and Management we can visit the home in a crisis if considered vital. 

Semi-Independent Living: 

A small friendly group living environment to provide individual rooms in a homely setting enabling Clients to receive every possible support and close supervision needed.  Down time/self-time is supported with well structured options and boundaries, eliminating lack of engagement or feeling overwhelmed.

Delivery of Service

Our Semi-Independent projects will deliver a service that encompasses the individual needs of each Client – Person Centered Approach.

Elements of Support and Care Packages

Our packages are based on providing the essential life skills and advice required for our young adults to start out living a full and rewarding life independently.  

These packages can be tailored depending on whether the individual is low, medium or high risk.  


Key Work Sessions – up to 7 hours per week

These young adults will have a higher level of independent living and are usually at the upper end of the age range. They will need support and direction in preparing for their next stage of life; they may already have ideas of what they want to do but will need help in realising this.


Key Work Sessions – 6 – 10 hours per week

Young adults classed as medium risk show some level of independent living but still need support in most areas. They may also have been previously classified as high risk / vulnerable.


Key Work Sessions – at least 11 hours per week.  Staffing levels will be 24/7 for closer observation.

Development of independent living skills is unlikely to be of a priority immediately as they will still be addressing other needs and priorities. However, in time it is anticipated that the support provided by the social / key worker would reduce the level of dependency, and enable the young person start developing their independent living skills through our tailored packages. 

Those at high risk are those who have:

•Mental health issues


•Learning difficulties

•Drug or alcohol dependency

•Gang affiliation

•Sexually exploitation

•Offended or on remand

•Low levels of engagement socially

•Little to no experience of independent living

Key Work Sessions

The sessions are usually carried out on a weekly basis and cover subjects like: Health, Peer relationships, Education, Employment, Training, Sexual Health & Relationships, Economic Well-being, Independent skills and much more.

Key work sessions work in tandem with our Daily Engagement Logs, however these sessions cannot be carried out without the Client’s involvement, input and feedback. 

Weekly Activity & Goal Setting Plan

Setting goals and making weekly plans allows us to build a well-structured package whilst allowing the Client to feel in control of their support, the plans are usually discussed and amended via key work session.

These plans are particularly useful for Clients diagnosed within the Autistic spectrum but are equally beneficial to other young people keeping them more focused and motivated.

Referral and Admission Procedure

All pre-admission information is obtained from Social Services, Family members and sometimes GPs; in order to help us develop Individual Care Plans (Person Centred) and for achieving their full potential.  This sets out the care objectives for the stay and incorporates any necessary risk assessments. 

Once the Social Worker has booked a place for a Resident, they must make sure that Home Manager receives the assessment form, with all the relevant information.