Respite Services

Abbey Care Home provides Short Breaks and Respite Services in order to enable the Family or Carer to take a break or rest. This service makes a valuable difference to the people we support; allowing the Client’s or Service Users Family or Carer to take a break or go on Holiday, while the support and continuity of care is being provided for in a comfortable, friendly, safe environment within their personal and individual budget.

Our Homes are designed to make it possible for Young People (16+) and Adults (up to mid-60s) with Learning Disabilities to advance towards their positive independence.


Our aim is to help those who come to live in our Respite Home, whether short or long-term stay to remain in control and maintain independence of their own lives.


  • To provide high quality of Care and Support Services to persons for short, medium and long term Respite Placements
  • 24/7 Care and Support Services for Service Users with Mental Health care needs and Learning Disorder
  • Supporting Service Users as individuals by listening to and working with them.
  • Use an Individual Support Plan (ISP) based on a Person Centered Approach to help Service Users plan and make the most of their allocated budget
  • Helping them decide who supports them to achieve their goals
  • Provide a secure, friendly home environment that is focused on supporting individuals within it.
  • Assist our Residents in acquiring skills which will empower, encourage them to acquire life skills and to engage in pursuing an independent life-style.
  • Encourage and assist Residents to develop their level of self esteem, confidence, to make their own decisions and take responsibility for themselves as adult individuals.
  • Make certain that Service User’s have access to Professional type of specialist and Religious support when requested or required.
  • Promote equality of all opportunities and promote the application of anti-discriminatory practice.

Admission Procedure

All pre-admission information is obtained from Social Services, Family members and sometimes GPs; in order to help us develop individual care plans and for achieving their full potential.  This sets out the care objectives for the stay and incorporates any necessary risk assessments.

Once the Social Worker has booked a place for a Resident, they must make sure that Home Manager receives the assessment form, with all the relevant information.

Emergency Admissions

This is a flexible service.  An admission if urgent will be agreed with the Home Manager or Duty Manager to meet the Client’s needs. The same procedure is also applies to re-admission of former Service Users who may want to come back due to loneliness.


Arrangements can be made with the Manager or Duty  Manager after the Social Services and all other Government Agencies have confirmed that the Service User can now be discharged from our Home  to another suitable accommodation e.g., Halfway House.
Reasons for Client’s discharge are as follows:

  • If the Client is not complying the agreement, i.e. non-payment of charges
  • If the Client is verbally abusive, is violent to staff or other Clients
  • If Client’s behaviour becomes unmanageable
  • If Client’s health care needs changes and is unsuitable
  • If Client does not attend after initial booking or registration


Clients are asked to notify the Home Manager if they need to cancel the stay for any reason. Administration fee of 20-50% is applicable.