Tips for Interview
We believe it is essential that you feel as comfortable as possible with bringing a carer or personal assistant into your home. Interviewing a carer before hiring them is a good way to check that someone is the right person for you.
Before interviewing a potential carer, it is a good idea to prepare your questions to make sure you ask everything you want to and gather all the information you need to make a decision.
Having read the carer’s profile, you will be aware of their experience, hobbies/interests and their personal statement, but an interview will allow you to delve deeper and find out more about a carer, their experience and personality.
Here are some tips for interviewing a carer:
- Interviews can be very nerve-wracking for some people, so try to make the carer feel at ease
- For example, instead of asking ‘Do you have experience with dementia care?’, you can ask ‘What was your experience of caring for someone with dementia like? How did it go?’
- Try to discover whether the carer properly understands what matters to you the most
- Make sure that the carer will be able to meet you or your loved one’s care requirements
- Avoid asking yes/no questions, try asking something in a way that allows them to give a more detailed answer – how, what, when, why and where are good words with which to start your questions
You can always ask for a carer’s references if you think it will help you in an interview, or when making a decision.