FAQ Category: Carer Training
Why is Utmost Care offering free CPD...
We know how important it is for any professional to sharpen their...
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What courses are available?
Utmost Care are currently offering a selection of completely free CPD training...
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How do I access the courses?
The courses are currently available to all approved Utmost carers. If you...
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How do I set up a Qintil...
To begin your learning journey, just click the link in your Qintil training invite...
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How long do the courses take?
The length of each course varies, as everyone learns at their own...
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Do I have to complete each course...
No, you choose the pace at which you complete each course. So if you...
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Will I get a certificate at the...
Yes. For each course completed, you’ll be able to download and print...
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Will my training achievements be shown on...
Yes, you can add your training achievements to your Utmost Care profile.
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What does CPD mean?
CPD stands for continuing professional development and it’s a term used to...
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